SF Public Works Racial Equity Action Plan Phase 1 | Page 59

1.2.7 . Assess and identify the practice of “ degree inflation ” that exacerbates racial disparities in educational and wealth attainment by requiring a four-year college degree for jobs that previously did not .
2021-22 Analyze job descriptions and responsibilities to assess necessary hard and soft skills and the role of a college degree .
Staff time : Moderate
Indicators Status Lead Priority Lift Impact
Develop baseline data about applicant pool , by race , and success rate through degree requirements .
Not started
ADM HR , Racial Equity Working Group , Performance team , Finance and Administration team
Level 1 Difficult High


1.2.8 . Require outside recruiters to comply with departmental standards for equitable and inclusive hiring to ensure the production of diverse and qualified candidates . Use outside recruiters who bring an equity lens and culturally competent skills to their work .
2022 Create policy and racial equity rubric for recruiters .
Staff time : Low
Track and trend recruiter ’ s process and outcomes .
Increase number of BIPOC applicants .
Not started
ADM HR , Racial Equity Working Group , Performance team , Finance and Administration team
Level 2 Easy Moderate
1.2.9 . Consult with candidates ’ references in greater depth in order to gain a more complete understanding of their capabilities and overall character than could be achieved through interviews and examinations alone .
2021 Develop standardized questions for references .
Staff time : Low
Track number of contacts made .
Trend types and depth of contacts .
For successful hires , track efficacy of references .
Not started
ADM HR , Racial Equity Working Group , Performance team , Finance and Administration team
Level 1 Easy High
Racial Equity Plan 2021