SF Public Works Racial Equity Action Plan Phase 1 | Page 48


There are several bureaus that do not reflect the overall diversity of the department . As part of the Action Plan , we will unpack the cultural , historical and department-specific causes of this . The Bureau of Building Repair , which is staffed by trades people , is 44 % white and only 15 % Asian and 13 % Black . The Bureau of Street Environmental Services ( BSES ) is disproportionately Black at 42 %, while there are only 14 % white staff .

Table 1.4 - Racial demographics of Public Works staff by bureau of Operations division

22 %
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander American Indian / Alaskan Native Multiracial Filipino Hispanic Black Asian White
42 %
Number of employees
28 %
18 %
14 %
35 %
11 %
24 %
25 %
13 %
15 %
44 %
20 %
49 %
Bureau of Street Environmental Services ( Operations Division )
Bureau of Urban Forestry ( Operations Division )
Bureau of Building Repair ( Operations Division )
Bureau of Street and Sewer Repair ( Operations Division )
48 San Francisco Public Works