SF Public Works Racial Equity Action Plan Phase 1 | Page 12

The tools and trainings will support embedding racial-equity work throughout the organization , including departmentwide initiatives that direct the work we do : the Strategic Plan , performance plans , process improvement strategies , job descriptions , mandatory trainings and new employee orientation . The tools and trainings also will be threaded into day-to-day processes and procedures , such as work assignments , staff selection for special assignments and project leadership .
In addition , feedback from Public Works staff identified these five priority actions :
• Empower frontline workers . Value and engage the voices of our frontline workers , and take unambiguous proactive steps to elevate the voices of Black , indigenous and people of color ( BIPOC ) workers . Engage frontline workers in decision-making around process improvements and policies , as well as in implementing the Racial Equity Action Plan .
• Broaden diversity of staff in all bureaus and at all levels . Bolster outreach and recruitment of employees who are Black , indigenous and people of color , particularly for technical and management positions .
Invest in and expand internship and apprenticeship programs , increasing racial diversity of participants in all opportunities .
• Support and train managers to be stronger leaders . Ensure that managers model fair , consistent and equitable leadership , and nurture their staff to succeed . Support managers through training , recognition and accountability . Develop a mentorship program that supports mentors and mentees and builds a culture of excellent leadership .
• Reform and rethink disciplinary processes . Ensure processes are transparent , fair and consistent across divisions and bureaus , and reinforce the need for accountability ; empower , train and hold accountable supervisors and staff to work through difficult situations with compassion and equity ; invest in communications trainings that are based in understanding implicit bias ; provide coaching for supervisors that promotes compassionate feedback and personal growth during the discipline process ; and implement peer mediation and other complaint processes .
• Develop career pathways , particularly for lower-wage workers . Ensure that pathways are transparent and achievable through management support , professional development , clear and wide-ranging communications , and staff affinity groups ; and support staff in diverse and creative ways to attain career advancement .
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