Dear Community ,
In 2017 , we launched San Francisco Children & Nature ( SFCN ) to address the disparities in nature access along socioeconomic and racial lines to ensure all children have the opportunity to play , learn , and grow in the outdoors .
To date , over 40 city agencies and nonprofit organizations have worked together as a collaborative to equitably expand opportunities for nature connection in early education , schools and neighborhoods , and advocate for places , programs and policy that support our mission .
Together , we have :
• Promoted and developed Nature Exploration Areas across the City
• Renovated 21 early childhood outdoor learning spaces with logs , boulders , and plants
• And collaborated to increase opportunities for children and families to connect with nature through field trips , nature play days , and preschool storytime in parks
As we step into our seventh year of collective action , we ’ ve taken a moment to reflect and evaluate how to continue moving toward even greater impact and sustainability . This strategic plan is a testament to our values and commitment to build a city-wide movement that includes increased access and connection to nature spaces , high quality nature experiences centering on well-being , and health outcomes for San Francisco ’ s children and youth .
A big thanks to our community of teachers , young people , families , planners , designers , managers , city officials , directors , and community leaders who have been working toward lasting change . We look forward to working together to increase our effectiveness and impact as we implement the goals set out in this Strategic Plan .
In collaboration ,
Director : Maria Durana , San Francisco Recreation and Park
Executive Co-chairs : Jamie Bruning-Miles , President & CEO , YMCA of San Francisco Jenny Lam , Past President , San Francisco Board of Education and Director of Policy , Communications & Strategic Partnerships , San Francisco Department of Early Childhood Phil Ginsburg , General Manager , San Francisco Recreation and Park Jean Fraser , Chief Executive Officer , Presidio Trust Scott Sampson , Executive Director , California Academy of Science
Why Nature ?
Children today spend less time outside than any other previous generation , to the detriment of their health and well-being . We want to change that .
Studies show that children who regularly engage with nature experience numerous benefits , including improved physical and mental health , increased happiness , and greater emotional resilience .
In addition to raising healthier and happier kids , by immersing children in nature-based education and experiences , we nurture a generation of environmentally conscious individuals . Equipped with both knowledge and passion , they can effectively address climate injustice and contribute to creating a healthier , more inclusive , and environmentally conscious future for everyone .