Seyed HamidReza Azimi CV

Phone : + 989128119939 | E-Mail : azimi @ myindustry . ir
EDUCATION Allameh Tabatabaei University , Tehran , Iran Ph . D . student in Human Resource Management 2015
Shahid Beheshti University , Tehran , Iran M . A . in Marketing 2012 Thesis : “ Surveying the relation between customer satisfaction , service quality , perceived value , and behavioral intentions ”
Amirkabir University of Technology ( Tehran Polytechnic ), Tehran , Iran B . A . in Industrial Engineering 2009 Areas of Concentration : Feasibility Study
AWARDS Fundamental principles of stock market , Certificate , Tehran Stock Exchange Organization TOLIMO Grade of ‘ GOOD ’ ( 530 ), ISO 9000:2000 Certificate , RW TUV , Tehran UNIDO Financial Analysis Certificate of COMFAR III , Shahid Beheshti University , Tehran Achieving first position in economic websites of 4 th Iran Web Festival ( www . myindustry . ir )