How Sewa Day helps
sowing the seeds for future generations...
Karen Giles, Headteacher, Barham Primary School, Wembley, Middlesex, UK
ewa Day is important because it is the beginning of a commitment to a lifetime of selfless giving. It is a springboard, a catalyst for change to be inculcated in the lives of our pupils. An enabler in forming the habit of relieving hardship and poverty by giving our time and good will; helping the environment with and on behalf of the global community; bringing joy to others just for the sake of it. Sewa Day contributes well to the PSHE, Citizenship, Community Cohesion and Religious aspects of our school curriculum. Ofsted judge overall effectiveness, the quality of education, in outstanding schools by, “thoughtful and wide-ranging promotion of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development (which) enables them to thrive in a supportive, highly cohesive learning community.” Sewa Day is a great tool to engage the local community. It has been useful to collaborate with organisations who are already guided by Sewa principles and to invite them into school to share the innovative ways [??X??[?\???]?[??\??Y[?[?\??]Y?H^?[[?[?X??\??X?H?\??\??\?]?Z[X?H?H?]?H^H?X??]H\?H?????\??X?[H[?[??X\?[H??\?^\?[??[Y\?[??^H??[?H[\X?]?]?H^H\??HZ[????\?\[?\??Y?Y?X?[??^H\?H???[?H??X?\?[??YH?]YX\???[Y\?[?[???[?\?\[??\?]Y\?[?Y[X?\???H?Y\???[][?]K??]?H^H\?Y??\?[??X?]\?H]\???X??]?[??Z\?[???[[???X??[???[?H[??\???[??Y\?]\???YX\?\?Y[??[\??[?^K?]\?YX\?\?Y?HH?Z[\??[?x?&\??X?\?H?Y[[??????[????]\??X?Y]?H[??[Y]?H[?[?H]?\?[??X\?[???[X?\??\?X?\[??XZ?[??H??[[\X???Z[??H?[??H?H?[???YH[?H??????]?H^H[??X[?\??L?L??