Sevenoaks IB Art Exhibition 2022 | Page 21

Sean Northwood
For my exhibition , I originally planned an exploration into built environments and structure , given a lifelong interest in the buildings around me . However , along this route I discovered a love for the experience of sensation . This was sparked after learning about how sensory deprivation was used as a torture device , leading people slowly to insanity . This led me to an epiphany where I discovered comfort in what was around me , from sun shining through a forest canopy , or the soft roughness of terracotta bricks or even the gentle threading of my clothes . These small details led me into a deep fascination for the world around me along with the deep textures within it , seemingly chaotic in their complexity . This was a world that was often ignored . What ordinarily seemed like any old room became something unique to explore through my senses , to feel , to hear , to smell as well as see . These sensory explorations led me to draw comfort from my surroundings , no matter how mundane . I therefore looked to create an exhibition that would give more the longer you look at a piece , even if you just look at the ink playing across the subtle pattern of the paper . I hope that my art can provide a rewarding experience when looked at deeply .