Sevenoaks IB Art Exhibition 2022 | Page 12

Jennifer Funnell
Individual identity is a concept I pay homage to in my creative work . John Bratby has been a huge influence with his depictions of space and the way that someone ’ s identity can be expressed in the places they inhabit . Bratby ’ s use of structure and texture and the domestic and societal themes that he and other artists express in the kitchen sink realism genre have inspired me to express my own perspectives through the use of bolder media .
Drawing still life has reconnected me to the subtle and intimate compositions that often become blurred and overlooked in the everyday . I have become increasingly fascinated with the naturally occurring relationships between objects and their environments , such as the way the light from a desk lamp interacts with a mug , as it forms shadows and highlights .
Throughout the course , I have learnt to confidently veer from the path of what I previously thought was acceptable . I have found empowerment in celebrating the ‘ imperfections ’ that may arise , and can now appreciate that creation is not a linear process .
In its purest form , my work emulates my own identity . By reacting to scenes around me , with techniques that I enjoy using , I gain creative freedom . I find that every time I add something new or spend an afternoon stressing over the subtle details , my work slowly becomes more and more autobiographical , letting others experience my own perception of this world in which we all reside .