Sevenoaks IB Art Exhibition 2022 | Page 10

Kennedy Chee
My boredom and mental fatigue were converted into artistic inspiration through my experience in quarantine . Coming to the UK , I struggled with homesickness and decided to make the focus of my art a form of selfexpression . I then went through a depressive period in my 21-day quarantine . My hotel gave me a view of the beautiful Hong Kong skyline , which under my mental condition faded to monotone and boredom .
I focused my work on recreating the sensation I felt viewing the cityscape , which had morphed into an abstract scatter of forms vaguely resembling a coherent skyline . I approached my idea by dealing with form , colour and texture , removing these fundamental aspects gradually , seeing how far I could do this before the skyline became unrecognisable . While exploring this idea of abstraction , I delved into more philosophical enquiries . Using previous experiences in photography , I created a series of sculptures deconstructing a cityscape to illustrate the thematic construct of a skyline . I also reflected on decay being an important factor in the city ’ s personality .
My initial goal was to express my psyche and experiences , and I returned to this later . I recognised that all the ideas stemmed from a sensation of confinement . I created a final installation piece of the broken hotel room , symbolising my departure from this phase of my creative endeavours .