Sevenoaks Catalyst Magazine - Science and Society Issue 3 - Lent term 2021 | Page 79



Imagine waking up one day to find outside the window a colourless world of white trees , white bushes , and white sky . You might think that you have become colour blind ! Unfortunately , during the past decade , this has been happening to thousands of sea creatures around the world . In Australia , more than 60 % of the Great Barrier Reef has turned white , while in Japan , over 90 % of Okinawa ’ s coral reef has lost its colours . This phenomenon , known as coral bleaching , occurs when corals get stressed due to rising water temperature and pollutants . Corals react by releasing symbiotic algae from their tissue , leaving behind a white skeleton . While bleaching does not immediately kill corals , it makes them vulnerable to diseases that can lead to irreversible damage and even death .
Reefs are home to diverse aquatic species , including fish , octopuses , crabs , and starfish , that protect themselves from predators through camouflaging . Due to coral bleaching , however , these creatures have been deprived of a place to hide from danger . Corals are a cornerstone of marine life , and if they continue to degrade , reef organisms will perish , triggering the collapse of the ecosystem . When a species goes extinct , the food chain loses its link , affecting all other creatures that ate it , including humans at the top of the web . In a few decades , our grandchildren might no longer be able to rely on fish for protein and see marine creatures only in picture books . Imagine walking into an aquarium in 2080 to see only a small variety of sea creatures and none that you expect to see - such as seahorses . Instead , you would walk up to signs to read how these species looked , lived , and ate . Sadly , this is how our future will look like if people do not start acting now .
Furthermore , reefs play a critical role protecting coastlines from erosive elements such as strong waves and floods . This means that without reefs , there would be more property damage , injuries , and deaths . According to a study published in the journal Nature Communications , while property damage in coastal areas amounts to $ 4 billion each year , without healthy reefs , this figure could be $ 8 billion . As such , it is evident that coral reefs provide a critical protection barrier for thousands of people and structures close to the shoreline .
Another reason we desperately need coral reefs is that they provide a precious source of medicines for diseases such as Alzheimer ’ s disease and cancer . Corals have poisonous chemicals used to protect themselves from predators . These chemicals are replete with medicinal potential that can be harnessed to develop medical treatments . However , if coral continue to decline at this rate , they will have very little to offer us .
Coral reefs are an indispensable part of all living things on Earth : they provide not only exciting beauty , but also habitats for many species , coastal protection from waves , and valuable medicines . Unfortunately , corals are in trouble due to human activities . We cannot afford to let this go on and must stop all actions that cause stress in corals . We can cut back on plastic use by opting for biodegradable packaging or reusable goods such as metal straws and tumblers . We can also start using environmentally friendly transportation modes by taking advantage of public transportation , electric vehicles , or bicycles . These may be short-term inconveniences , but the choices we make today will determine the lives we lead tomorrow .