Sevenoaks Catalyst Magazine - Science and Society Issue 3 - Lent term 2021 | Page 18

Our own livestock have more saturated fats and less fatty acids , compared to the animals that were hunted in the Stone Age . This is a result of over-breeding for tastier meat . Genetic research has shown that among the notable evolutionary changes continued after the Paleolithic era , diet-related changes have occured , such as an increase in the number of genes related to the breakdown of dietary starches .
The theory behind the Paleo diet makes sense when we don ’ t consider adaptation since the Paleolithic Era , and rides on the assumption that the nutritional value of the food cavemen ate would ’ ve been the same as our farmed food now . Although there are clear benefits to following the Paleo diet , it has been rated one out of five of the ‘ Worst Trendy Celebrity Diets ’ to follow by the UK Association of Dieticians . Several adjustments must be made until it can be called a balanced diet that is fit for humans in our current society to follow .