SEVECEN 24 | Page 35

Our Pre-Kindergarten English class celebrated Halloween in a very special project-based way this year . Our English teacher ( Moira Simes ) worked with us in making our own slime and ice gummy worms , painting black spiders from egg cartons , cleaned out a carved pumpkin and planted the seeds in a pot . With the help of our teacher , we mixed white glue , detergent and baking soda to make slime . We really enjoyed playing with the sticky slime . We also learned the process of water turning into ice and then melting once it is in liquid . To make it more interesting and permanent in our minds , we put gummy worms into an ice tray and waited a day for it to freeze and become ice . The following day we took the ice out and put it in a big jug of water . We had to wait a couple hours until it melted and then we stuck our hands into the jug and explained to our teacher how it felt . It was definetly slimey ! Next , we made spiders from egg cartons . We painted them black and pasted googly eyes and six pipe wires as legs . Our spiders were hung from the ceiling in our classroom . We sang the Incy Wincy spider as we worked on our craft .
Our Pumpkin project was also a great hit . After our teacher carved a face on the pumpkin it became a jack-o-lantern and we cleaned out the seeds from inside . While the lack-o-lantern was put on display in the classroom , we planted the seeds into a pot and watered every week . One week later we observed the pot and were very excited to see the fast growth of the pumpkin seed .
Finally , we went Trick-or-Treating to Mrs . Özlem Altay Yücesoy ’ s office and Frank Hall Library . We showed off our awesome Halloween costumes and sang ‘‘ Trick-or-treat , Trick-or-treat give me something good to eat !’’ all the way back to our classroom .
As the Pre-Kindergarten class , we are learning on a project-based approach where we enjoy , observe , practice and give feedback on what we have seen and learned . There is an appropriate quote which describes exactly how we are learning in English class :
‘ Tell me and I forget . Teach me and I remember . Involve me and I learn .’— Benjamin Franklin