How the Hydroponics System Worked
This year as part of our CE classes we did a special project . We learned about the Hydroponics System in the greenhouse at our school . This system is very special to us because this is our biggest project ever . To make this greenhouse project we first learned about the hydroponics system . Then we planted our very own seeds and when they were ready to be put in the greenhouse we placed them into the Hydroponic System . The system and the greenhouse is very important because using this system can help our economy . Our farmers can make more profit and improving our nation . From this project we learned how the hydroponics system worked .
How the Hydroponics System Worked
This year in our English classes we started an amazing project . We made a hydroponic system which is very useful to our world . If you don ’ t know what is a hydroponic , it is a method of growing plants without soil . It helps you save water because you use the same water all the time . The water is circulated from the water reservoir through pipes and then back , which doesn ’ t waste any water . That means you are doing a good thing . We are growing plants like : carrots , mint , pumpkins that are really big , lettuce and lots of other plants . I think people can use this project in future to help homeless people find healthy food . We can place hydroponic systems all around the city . This way they can eat food for free and without wasting water . I hope our own hydroponic system will become bigger and hydroponic systems of the future can help people .
Melisa Dora YILDIRIM
My Greenhouse and Hydroponic System Experience
This year we learned about our schools greenhouse and hydroponic system . Learning about them and using them was like saving the world to me because I knew that we were doing a great job . We were experiencing the future of plants today .
I planted some seeds like all of my friends . Also I had a chance to teach both the fourth graders and our parents how to plant seeds . I feel it is really important that everyone understands the importance of this project . If they do the world would be a better place to live in .
I learned that by just growing your own food you can save lots of things like money , energy , and water . Also I learned about the hydroponic system which showed me an even better and healthier way to grow my own food . I am ashamed of myself for not knowing about it before !