Sesel Sa! January - March 2015 Jan - March 2015 | Page 23

something we had to follow through in the spa products and services’. For those more energetic families, just taking a Christiana bike from the Activity center and cycling down to the Giant Tortoise Sanctuary or organic farm areas is an eventful outing. Following the road along the coast you pass the old residence village and see how the plantation community lived back in early settlements in the 1800s. Silhouette always had a family background theme, the Dauban family bought the entire island in 1867, establishing many plantation crops from coconuts to vanilla, much of which can still be seen growing today. A further reminder of this great family is the hauntingly beautiful gothic-style Dauban mausoleum where a number of the family members are buried, including Auguste Dauban. The 19th Century plantation house, Grann Kaz, initially built by the Dauban family, has been faithfully restored to its former glory and today serves as an authentic Creole restaurant, serving food which echoes the assortment of people who populate Seychelles. With a long tradition of conservation behind it, the Seychelles is home to several marine parks as well as forest and mountain reserves, with Silhouette as no exception. 93% of the island has been designated a National Park, and as su