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Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America January 30, 2018, Vol.108, 836-856. Quantitatively Determining the High‐Pass Filter Cutoff Period of Ground Motions Longjun Xu; Guochen Zhao; Paolo Gardoni; Lili Xie Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America January 23, 2018, Vol.108, 857-865. Spatial and Spectral Interpolation of Ground‐Motion Intensity Measure Observations C. Bruce Worden; Eric M. Thompson; Jack W. Baker; Brendon A. Bradley; Nicolas Luco; David J. Wald Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America February 13, 2018, Vol.108, 866-875. PRENOLIN: International Benchmark on 1D Nonlinear Site‐Response Analysis— Validation Phase Exercise Julie Régnier; Luis‐Fabian Bonilla; Pierre‐Yves Bard; Etienne Bertrand; Fabrice Hollender; Hiroshi Kawase; Deborah Sicilia; Pedro Arduino; Angelo Amorosi; Dominiki Asimaki; Daniela Boldini; Long Chen; Anna Chiaradonna; Florent DeMartin; Ahmed Elgamal; Gaetano Falcone; Evelyne Foerster; Sebastiano Foti; Evangelia Garini; George Gazetas; Céline Gélis; Alborz Ghofrani; Amalia Giannakou; James Gingery; Nathalie Glinsky; Joseph Harmon; Youssef Hashash; Susumu Iai; Steve Kramer; Stavroula Kontoe; Jozef Kristek; Giuseppe Lanzo; Annamaria di Lernia; Fernando Lopez‐Caballero; Marianne Marot; Graeme McAllister; E. Diego Mercerat; Peter Moczo; Silvana Montoya‐Noguera; Michael Musgrove; Alex Nieto‐Ferro; Alessandro Pagliaroli; Federico Passeri; Aneta Richterova; Suwal Sajana; Maria Paola Santisi d’Avila; Jian Shi; Francesco Silvestri; Mahdi Taiebat; Giuseppe Tropeano; Didrik Vandeputte; Luca Verrucci Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America January 16, 2018, Vol.108, 876-900. Ground‐Motion Simulation by the Empirical Green’s Function Method with a Source Defined by Two Corner Frequencies and a Two‐Stage Summation Scheme Mauro Niño; Gustavo Ayala; Mario Ordaz Bulletin of the Seismological Society of Americ a February 27, 2018, Vol.108, 901-912. Adjustable Generic Ground‐Motion Prediction Equation Based on Equivalent Point‐Source Simulations: Accounting for Kappa Effects Behzad Hassani; Gail M. Atkinson Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America March 13, 2018, Vol.108, 913-928. Strong Correlation between Stress Drop and Peak Ground Acceleration for Recent M 1–4 Earthquakes in the San Francisco Bay Area Daniel T. Trugman; Peter M. Shearer Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America March 06, 2018, Vol.108, 929-945. Stochastic Strong Ground Motion Simulation of the Southern Aegean Sea Benioff Zone Intermediate‐Depth Earthquakes Ch. Kkallas; C. B. Papazachos; B. N. Margaris; D. Boore; Ch. Ventouzi; A. Skarlatoudis Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America January 16, 2018, Vol.108, 946-965.