Tabla de contenido
Volumen 94, NĂºmero 2, Marzo-Abril 2018
Childhood Education: Innovations Vision Statement
Page: 3
The Case for Teacher-Led Innovation
Louka Parry
Pages: 4-9
How Can Parents and Teachers Cultivate Creative Climates to Help Children Become
KH Kim
Pages: 10-17
RAISED Between Cultures: New resources for working with children of immigrant or
refugee background
Larissa Brosinsky, Rebecca Georgis, Rebecca Gokiert, Teresa Mejia & Anna Kirova
Pages: 18-27
LitWorld's 7 Strengths Grow Stronger in Latin America: LitClub builds social-
emotional success
Oriana Stern
Pages: 28-36
Leveraging the Power of Place: A new commitment to personalizing learning
Emily Liebtag
Pages: 37-42
SHINE for Girls: Innovating STEM curriculum with dance
Tara Hally & Kirin Sinha
Pages: 43-46
Growing Experiential Learning for the Future: REAL School Gardens
Jeanne McCarty (CEO) , Vanessa Ford (Director of Curriculum and Teacher Training) &
Joe Ludes (Instructional Coach)
Pages: 47-55
An Innovative Whole Child Approach to Learning: The LiiNK Project
Deborah Rhea & Michellle Bauml
Pages: 56-63
Read and Move: A new approach to read-aloud time in primary grades
Carri S. Kreider
Pages: 64-71