• Team building ( e . g . developing knowledge of skills / challenges within the group , developing leadership skills , communication skills , etc .)
• Fundraising ( e . g . planning and running a movie night , etc .)
• Planning ( e . g . parent information night for a trip , talking through itineraries for a trip , etc .)
• Reflection ( e . g . what am I looking forward to ? What do I imagine that these people will be like ? What am I nervous / anxious about ? What are my pre-conceptions ?).
2 . Service-Learning Immersion
Usually 3-4 consecutive days ( or the equivalent ) where boys work locally or interstate . This involves the boys :
• Directly engaging in project-based work
• Connecting with the community outside of Scotch College , particularly those affected by some form of social dysfunction , injustice or inequity
• Consolidating the skills and knowledge developed in pre-service learning
• Engaging in community development – especially meeting the needs of a community as articulated by that community , and
• Reflecting ( e . g . How does this make sense of the core values of service at Scotch ? What is rewarding about this ? What is challenging about this ? How do I feel about this ?)
• Post-immersion reflection : after the immersion there will be a formal reflection about key challenges , what students have learned and how they might engage in future community development work .
3 . Immersion Program Selection
1 . Students in Legacy Leadership Programs , Indigenous Partnership Program ( IPP ) or Outdoor Expeditions Leaders may continue this involvement in Year 11
2 . Please check your availability – students must be available for the specified Immersion week or camp dates to be eligible to participate
3 . Please check the cost of participation – parents must agree to the specified financial contribution before selections are made
4 . Students wishing to be considered for the Music Immersion must provide their experience to the Music Department
5 . While we will endeavour to provide students with their first preference for Immersion Program , students are asked to complete additional preferences . Some immersions require an application processes ( e . g . interview , experience or statement )
6 . We have tried to provide the most accurate-to-date information . However , for various reasons these dates and costs may need to be altered
7 . Students who do not submit preferences for a Legacy Leadership Program or an Immersion Program will be placed in a Immersion Program for Wednesday afternoons in Term 1 , 2 and 3
8 . Students who undertake a VET subject throughout the year or who wish to attend a school exchange in Term 3 , may be placed into an Immersion Program at the discretion of the Director of 11 and 12 .
22 Services and Activities Programs