Activities Program Ref : ACT
The aim of the program is the development of each boy ’ s environmental , outdoor and interpersonal skills and experiences . A variety of activities are offered . The below information and activity descriptions are intended to assist you and your son in the selection of activities and camps for next year .
In general , boys will participate in a total of three different activities over Terms 1-3 . Attendance at a camp at the conclusion of Term 3 is an integral component of the activity and an essential part of the total school program . As such , boys are expected to attend this camp unless approval has been obtained from the Vice Principal - Head of Senior School to miss the camp well before the start of the camp .
Five activity-based camps are offered at the end of Term 3 . These camps are designed to improve the boys ’ skills in the above-mentioned areas and take them to places in Victoria that they might otherwise never experience .
Program Levy : $ 450 ( plus individual camp levy )
Term 1 Options Term 2 Options
Term 3 Options ( Compulsory Camp )
Cycle Touring Cycle Touring Fly Fishing
Martial Arts Martial Arts Martial Arts
Multimedia Film Making Multimedia Film Making Mountain Bike Riding
Yoga Yoga Multimedia Film Making
16 Services and Activities Programs