Hey everyone!
I hope that you’ve been enjoying this terrible no good, very bad back to school time more than I have. I feel that these months are always filled with dread. School is going full blast again and I am definitely not feeling it…
Along with my apathy towards classes, this semester brings a lot of excitement about service! “Share your Love, Save a Life” is currently happening, everybody’s DCON’s are coming up, and LSSP and ICON are close behind! Some of you might be wondering, “With all of these up and coming events, how am I going to be able to incorporate BWB?”
DON’T STRESS. Better World Books can easily be incorporated into multiple service projects without much hassle!
One easy way to incorporate BWB into a different project is to simply charge a book donation as admission! I know that I’ve mentioned this idea before, but it’s because it is both easy and efficient. Have an ELIMINATE party, but charge $1.80 and a book donation as admission! This makes it easy for you to not only benefit Better World Books, but ELIMINATE as well!
Think about it for a moment, and I’m sure you will come up with at least one idea for your chapter to do to promote BWB service initiatives. Maybe have bookmark materials at general meetings just for members to work on while the meeting is happening, maybe you can have a change jar donated to purchasing an elementary school books, maybe you can have a book swap among club members prior to next semester?
You’re really busy and your life is super full.
Don’t worry, BWB still has you covered. <3
better world BOOKS
with Ambassador Heidi Brooks