Hello again!
I hope all is well in your life! In mine, I have been keeping busy with my home chapter and division, participating in service projects and socials throughout the past month. I have been able to meet many new members from my division through our Fall Rally celebration, and have spoke with a few members from other Districts about potential projects for Six Cents. My favorite thing about Circle K members is that we are so passionate about the causes and organizations we work with. It never fails to amaze me when I look back on a previous month’s projects and calculate the numbers of hours served, or the number of lives we helped, all because we were able to give up some of our time. Time that would have otherwise been spent on Facebook, or sending snapchats to all your friends. Time that many people spend “relaxing,” Circle K members spend giving back. It is this passion that I am hoping you all will be able to provide while helping Circle K reach our goal.
As I have mentioned before, Six Cents Initiative is a partnership solely between Circle K and UNICEF. Back in 2007, we set a goal of raising $500,000 by 2015. At this point in time, we have raised roughly $70,000. I am working on an updated resource that clubs can utilize in order to hopefully find a fundraising project that is feasible for them. As I receive ideas from clubs all over Circle K, I will pass those along to you all, whether it is through our Facebook page (which can be found HERE) or this SWAG newsletter!
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service ambassador
cortney ferris
This month, the Georgia District Service chair, Victoria Byrd, reached out to me and shared a project that many of their clubs participate in to benefit Six Cents. The activity is called “I fine…”, and the idea is to fine other people in the group so that they donate their spare change to a communal donation jar for Six Cents. Each person that is willing to participate will say one thing they fine the other members for. For example, someone could say “I fine everyone who has on a red shirt.”