Service-Learning 2010 B 5/6 1 | Page 5


Measles, And Mumps, And Rubella, Oh My!

Three dangerous diseases, one shot, who will win the battle?

Written by: Julia Knott

Report on Karen Melendez

The Red Cross plays and important role in vaccination campaigns worldwide. These campaigns include ‘local volunteers [that] use

mass media, rallies, door-to-door visits, and

education entertainment’ to help with the

campaign. Donating not only helps the

organization, but it teaches volunteers and

others to open their heart, use their spare time

and spare some extra dollars. ‘It costs $1 to

vaccinate a child […] Making it one of the most

cost-effective health interventions available’.

Recently there have been major progress. The death rate for measles have dropped significantly. ‘Progress from 2000 to 2011 […] deaths fell by 71% globally’. This is a major improvement that brings joy to not

only those who sought help, but for the

volunteers. There is still yet to destroy

the illness from everywhere so that these

horrid diseases may become extinct.

‘There is still more work to be done as

more than 430 children still die each day’.

In order to eradicate these terrible three

diseases, the world must work together,

with each other to stop the measles, mumps,

and rubella.

“None of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things with great love, and together we can do something wonderful” –Mother Teresa

Because of this, two students, Karen and Jackie have decided that the most help that they could take part in was to spread the word. Although it may not seem like any help, spreading the word will help attract volunteers and donators, and bring people together in order to help each other help the less fortunate. Their service project was to make posters, promoting the donations to help vaccinate children.