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MEDITATE to Help Winter Blues One great way to help fend off the blues is with meditation. Meditation doesn’t need to involve complicated chants or rituals, but can be as simple as setting a timer for five minutes, closing your eyes, and paying atten- tion to your breath. Meditation has been proven to lower blood pressure, aid in concentration, help you get better sleep, and help with general wellbeing. Find a comfortable spot to sit upright and keep your back straight, with your legs crossed if possible. Rest your hands on your knees, palms up. Close your eyes and breathe in for a count of four; hold it for a count of four; release for a count of four; and hold for a count of four. Repeat. You can also just breathe in and out like you normally do, and concen- trate on your breathing. Don’t worry if it feels like your brain isn’t “clear” or blank. You’ll have all kinds of thoughts pass through, and the trick is to take note and let them pass. That’s all there is to it. Whatever your preference, try adding it to your routine and see how it benefits you. The GOLDEN Years in Business There is a growing trend of re- tired Americans choosing to keep working. In March of this year, the second annual Small Business Survey revealed 65% of more than 5,000 Americans polled said they envision opening a business when they retire. People are living longer and more than ever before are choosing to start a business to stay active. Any service that consumers and companies will pay for can be turned into a business. Among them are ac- counting, bookkeeping, handyman, landscaping, pet care, and more. Nearly any hobby can be turned into a business. How about gardening? Baking? Photography? A musical instrument? Freelance writing? Contact your former employers to offer your services. Access your network to find potential clients. At or near the top of the possibilities are consulting and coaching. Both can be performed at home and en- hanced by online tools. Starting a home-based business enables the retiree to profit from decades of experience. PREVENT Hacks into Home Security Set up a free password manager to help you remember and access complicated passwords. The latest home security gadgets are a far cry from the early days of sim- ple motion detectors. The downside, of course, is the potential for hackers to access those cameras and find their way into our homes. Consumer Reports offers tips to keep our home security cameras from being hacked. Keep your camera’s firmware up to date. Some cameras automatically download and install these updates, while others require you to check for updates on your own. Change your camera’s password. You should approach your security camera’s password the same as your other devices, and use long and complex passwords without personally identifying information. Set up two-factor authentication if possible. The company sends a one- time-use code via text, phone or email that you input in addition to your user- name and password when you log in. Even if a hacker cracks your password, they won’t be able to access your camera unless they also gain access to your one time code.