Serious Fun @ JFFC February 2018 | Page 4

4 SeriousFun@JFFC OCTOBER 2017

And with a single blink of the eye we enter a new year with new challenges and new expectations. I will not try to lie and say that I have reached all of my previous new-year's resolutions - in fact, I can't even remember most of them. For this year, I have a few new resolutions I can think of such as:

1. Fish a lot.

2. Go fishing more often...

3. Plan to go fishing even more...

I have finally settled in to work and "adult life" and near the end of last year found myself in a position where I could enjoy my hobbies like fishing and music more. This lead to the creation of this magazine as I got a little bit more envolved with the JFFC.

The magazine is now a full-blown project consuming my thoughts even when I am not even busy with the actual editing of it. Many a kind comment has been given to me regarding the publications but this would not be possible without all the articles the members now start to send on an almost weekly basis. The committee has graciously provided the funds for the upgrading of the account of the publishing platform - meaning that the previous issues will not go to waste and will still be available for future members to read.

So from the editor's desk may I wish you all a happy new year and may you all catch bags of fish (and write a bunch of articles about them).

If you haven't yet - subscribe to the magazine below:

From the Editor