Serendipity 1

Does Love Still Mean Something Today? In today’s world does real true love still exist with people today? You see and hear about so many failed relationships and so any divorces or convenient open marriages or unfaithfulness. Sometimes I often wonder with what I have seen over the years. Here you have married men and women who without any shame or dignity go out and cheat on their partners. Then there’s always the saying as nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors. Very true however, why then should one person cheat or become someone they don’t like? I just don’t understand how you see older married couples praise and talk of how they had to work through their marriages. How some day’s they didn’t like each other and others they loved like crazy. A lot of couples give up when things get too hard to deal with and face. Those should be the times to pull together and have each other’s back; work through the hard times instead of being a coward and walking away. I guess with people today it seems much easier for them to just walk away then to stay and fight for what they want. As they use to say love is a battle field and I can see the point by it. With love comes heartache, blood, tears, and lives destroyed in a blink of an eye. Except for the very few special ones who know the secrets and have what it takes to keep their love a live?