To be or not to be me ? That ’ s the question This question depends a lot from person to person because nobody is perfect and we are humans and a lot of us are allowed to make mistakes and this question brings this theme . I ’ m not perfect , and I have a lot of imperfections and a lot of qualities , too . Some of my imperfections are that I am very , very shy , and I hate it . But recently I have been trying to improve it a lot . When I find myself in that situation when I used to be shy , I think “ you just live one time so enjoy your life so then you won ’ t regret ”. Another imperfection is that it is very difficult to me to believe in some things that other people say because I always believe in my words . Some of my qualities are that I am a very funny and happy person , and I like it very much because sometimes when my friends are not ok or sad I can put a smile on their faces . Another quality is that I am humble and that ´ s characteristic that many people should have .
Ser ou não ser eu … Sou estudante Com sonho de ser economista Porque não tenho jeito para ser dentista
Encontrar a minha onda Encontrar o meu caminho Segui-lo até ao fim E provar tudo o que eu consigo .
Ser ou não ser eu … Trabalhar para conseguir Trabalhar para concretizar Seguir o coração e nunca me cansar .
Ser ou não ser eu … Ser como eu sou , pois No que está dentro de mim Já mais alguém encontrou …
Ser ou não ser eu … Viajar pelo mundo
O meu “ ser ou não ser eu …”. Marta Sousa , 7 º D