SER 200 Demonstrates Something Great/tutorialoutletdotcom SER 200 Demonstrates the use of the Bus Class

SER 200 Demonstrates the use of the Bus Class FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Q4: Create a Time class. This class will represent a point in time, such as a departure time. It should contain 2 constructors, 2 instance variables (hour and minute), and 10 methods (see below). All methods but toString should be in terms of the 24 hour format. [30 points] default constructor: Creates a Time object for 12:00AM. overloaded constructor: Creates a Time object at a specific hour and minute. getHour(): Returns an integer representing the hour of the Time object. getMinute(): Returns an integer representing the minute of the Time object. addHours(...): Updates the object by moving it forward a number of hours. addMinute(...): Updates the object by moving it forward a number of minutes. (Hint: Be careful that you don't allow minutes to be more than 59.) addTime(...): Updates the object by moving it forward by the hour and minute from another Time object. getCopy(): Returns a new Time object that has the same hour and minute of the existing Time object.