Septmeber/October Double Issue Volume 3 | Page 24

By Bisi Adewale “LET MY BELOVED COME INTO HIS GARDEN, AND EAT HIS PLEASANT FRUITS.” SOS 4:16B T he way your man sees sex, is quite different from your perception of sex. It means much more to your husband than to you. He is passionate about it and might even be “crazy” about it. Sex affects the way every man reasons. Once you understand the importance of sex to your man, I am sure you will be able to go all out to satisfy him. 1 IT BRINGS HIM TO A STATE OF REST Have you ever noticed your man’s countenance after you might have given him a good dose of ingenuity and generosity of your body in the bedroom? Have you ever observed that he usually feels fulfilled and at rest after a good performance in bed? Great sex is good for your husband; it takes his body to its state of rest. 3 2  IT BRINGS THE BEST OUT OF HIM Do you want to see the best in your man? If yes, give him good sex regularly and see how he will respond to you with love, care and admiration. On the other hand, if you want the worst of him deny him sex and see the animal in your man. 4 IT CULMINATES IN A BETTER MARRIAGE IT BOOSTS HIS SELF-CONFIDENCE Many men who find it difficult to have or sustain an erection think they are not “men enough” in their own eyes; hence, they have a bad self-image. On the other hand, a sexually satisfied man develops selfconfidence. Sex fulfills his manhood, makes him feel good about himself and makes him appreciate himself as a man. A group of young men were presented with two options to choose from. To be amputated in one hand and leg or to die? They all answered that they preferred to be amputated than to die. Then they were asked if they’d rather die than become impotent. Almost 90% of them preferred to die than become impotent. That is the level of importance men attach to their sexuality. This elucidates the reason your man is “unnecessarily” angry when you deny him sex. A sexually satisfied man is likely going to be a loving husband, which results in an intimate marriage full of CREATES A BOND BETWEEN A love and peace. Some unexplainable MAN AND HIS WIFE behaviors of your man can be traced The outcome of a vibrant sex life is a good married to the bedroom. Likewise, unusual care and display of great affection can life. It brings a man closer to his wife, enhances good communication and culminates in togetherness, also be traced to sexual fulfillment. 5 oneness, fondness and unity among couples.