Septmeber/October Double Issue Volume 3 | Page 22

Money Dr. Bizness, BD – Radio/TV/Magazine Producer, Celebrity Radio Host, Author, Speaker, Coach/Consultant Image source: DO #2 LIKE Change You’re Mind and Your Money Follows Become a successful business owner by remembering the Do’s & Don’t to significantly grow your business. When looking to excel to the next dimension pertaining to business development, changing your mindset is paramount. The customer and client relationship is extremely important and plays a significant role in how your business will grow and develop. The key is to change your mindset, in order to change cash flow. There is a song by En Vogue called “Free Your Mind” which says, “free your mind and the rest will follow…” Relating that to business, if you changed your mind (the way in which you do business), increase, assets, & provision will follow. How do you go about changing your mind you ask? DO #1 TRUST Three simple but important things: Trust, Like, and Passion. As easy as it may sound let me break it down further. In order to have a relationship with your client, they MUST be able to trust you. There is no time for dishonesty, or half way jobs. You have to carry their trust like fine crystal…very carefully. Charlotte, NC based Entrepreneur and CEO/Founder of Profit & Growth Unlimited, LLC Dr. Bizness can be contacted at 877-342-7770 or Ask us how we can make you money through FREE radio advertising Ask us how we can save you money through “Bartering” 22 • Upscale Desires Magazine • Along with trust comes like. A person is only going to work with someone they like. Meaning, if your attitude is a turn off, it will show in your clientele, or lack thereof. Be welcoming, warm and genuine as it will be greatly appreciated, accepted, and acknowledged. DO #3 PASSION Last but not least, passion. The client should be able to feel your passion the instant you begin speaking. They should believe just because they’ve experienced how much you believe. Therefore, speak highly of your business at all times by accentuating the positive and acknowledging the growth needed in other areas. Just like I have 3 simple Do’s, I also have 3 simple Don’t s. DON’T #1 DON’T OVER PROMISE AND/OR UNDER DELIVER. Long story short, say what you mean, and mean what you say. Failing to do so can result in diminishing trust. DON’T #2 NO DRAMA Keep your business separate from your personal at all times and remember there is always someone watching you whether it be a client, a supervisor, or your competition. You never know, so always keep it professional. DON’T #3 DON’T HAVE A LUKE WARM ATTITUDE. Work like your life depended on it, and act like you love it as much as you say you do. Being completely honest with yourself not only helps your mind and body it helps your soul. According to the bible, Revelation 3:15-16, having a luke warm attitude is looked down upon. You need to pick either hot or cold. Straddling the fence and being “wishy washy” is not where you want to be. If you are running a lukewarm business, it will show in your bank account. Remember that changing your mindset in the areas of trust, like, and passion leads to success. So, change your mind and your money follows.