What to Do If you Happen to
Fall in LOVE With Two Men
at the Same Time
By Cucan Pemo
f you are finding yourself torn between
two men, this can be a very tough time
for you. You will have a lot of questions
that you are going to have to ask yourself and
take the time to carefully sort through them
to figure out what is right for you. This is
going to be something that you will have to
address because it is not a healthy relationship to have.
You will have to decide if what you are doing
is good for you. Is it possible for you to have
a healthy and loving relationship with two
men at the same time? Are you going to be
able to choose one over the other? These are
things that you have to think about and then
you have to think about them some more.
You can be in love with two men at one time,
but it is not something that you can act upon
without getting yourself hurt.
Top reasons why we can fall in love with two
people at the same time
It is possible to fall in love with two people at
the same time. When you find that you are
having feelings for two people at the same
time, this can be a very difficult time. You
may be having some feelings of love in the
same way for these two people. This is going
to be something that you will have to lay out
on the table in front of you so that you can
see where your feelings are coming from.
It is possible to be in a loving relationship
and still find yourself having feelings for
someone else. This is completely normal and
it may just be temporary. Maybe this other
person has done something nice for you or
has shown you some kind of interest for one
reason or another. This may trigger some
emotional feelings towards this person and
you may not understand why or how you can
stop them.
There may be two people that are so very different from each other but for some reason
they both have caught your attention and
you like them for separate reasons. This is
possible and you will have to come to terms
with which one is going to be better for you.
You must think about your feelings for both
people and why you are having these feelings.
How do I determine which one is the right
mate for me?
You may wander how you are ever going
to decide between the two people. You will
have to figure out which person is right for
you. This will take a lot of thinking on your
part. You will have to figure out what it is
you want to have in life. What type of life do
you want and which person ݥ