Awaken YOUR
any people want to know how to
awaken the Kundalini. And as
there are techniques for Kundalini
Awakening, most of the techniques are kept
secret by masters until the student is ready to
receive them.
Here is a very powerful technique for
Kundalini Awakening based on a Kriya Yoga
technique. This technique will not only
awaken the Kundalini energy, moving you
towards spiritual enlightenment, it also can
improve your health and remove all stress and
unhappiness in your life.
This Kriya Technique for Kundalini
Awakening is probably one of the easiest ways
to enter a blissful state of meditation. It is
what would be termed a “purifying technique”
as it will purify the energy channels of your
body allowing more energy or Shakti to move
I will explain the technique in three parts:
The first part of this technique for kundalini
awakening is to focus your breath starting
at the base of your spine all the way up your
spine and out of the top of your head. Do this
for the inhale. As you inhale move your focus
from the base of your spine, up the spine and
out of the top of your head as though your are
“breathing up” the energy.
You do not need to imagine anything. This is
not about imagination but focus. Focus your
breath to move up the spine and out the top
of your head.
And the focus should be relaxed. You are
not to force anything. You are simply gently
suggesting the energy to move in this
direction. So do focus the energy up but allow
the kundalini energy to move on it’s own
without force.
It may seem quite strange to focus your
breath where your breath does not go but it is
very effective. Breath is energy, “prana.” And
simply by focusing the breath in a certain
area, the energy moves to that area.
After practicing this for a while, you will start
to feel the energy rising. The sensations will
be subtle at first but over time can become
very blissful. It can almost feel like an orgasm,
a rush of bliss moving up your spine.
The second part of this technique for
kundalini awakening is it to move the breath
down your front as you exhale.
As you exhale, move the breath from the
top of your head to the third eye, (located
between your eyebrows) then to your throat
and then to your heart chakra, located at the
center of your chest. Continue on page 35
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