sometimes warrants professional evaluation or treatment . When symptoms of depression , anxiety or burnout are persistent or worsening , I advise dentists to seek the help of professional counselors , therapists , psychologists or even psychiatrists .
Unfortunately , many dentists are not aware of the services created for them at the national , regional , or local levels . The ADA 2021 survey showed that less than half of dentists are aware their state has a well-being program . Furthermore , an ADA Health Policy Institute survey in 2020 showed that more than half of dentists under the age of 35 were not familiar with mental health and other supportive services . Close to one third of dentists were not comfortable seeking out mental health services for themselves or team members . As with other health professions , dentists can sometimes be prone to putting their health and well-being secondary to the needs of their patients and families .
Often , I remind dentists and other health professionals they likely did not achieve their professional success in silos . Along the way , there were peers , teachers , and mentors . In the same way that we learn to treat the whole person in their ailments , dental professionals require a similar level of comprehensive or well-rounded support given the tremendous amount of stress related to their work . More can be done to spread the knowledge of resources available to them . I encourage you to reach out to the PDA to learn more mental health and wellness for yourself and colleagues . Finally , please take a moment to reach out to past or current classmates , colleagues , or mentors . Maintaining that sense of connection and community beyond training can be very rewarding . If you are looking to build new relationships or wish to connect with others , the PDA can be an excellent resource .
Dr . Edwin Kim is one of the medical directors at the PHP . He works in an interdisciplinary team to provide monitoring and advocacy services for healthcare professionals coping with addiction or a mental illness . He conducts interviews , reviews pertinent medical issues , and provides his expertise on mental health . He is double board-certified in adult and addiction psychiatry and is a diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology . He holds additional certification as a medical review officer by the American Association of Medical Review Officers . His favorite aspect of working at the PHP is the collegiality and working with a close-knit team . In his free time , he enjoys hiking .
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