September/October 2019 | Page 36

Spotlight on Dental Volunteerism Restoring Much More Than Dental Health According to Dr. Medianick’s wife, Ann, the 2018 trip was the first time he had returned to Ukraine since he came to the United States in 1991 at the age of 13 and settled in Levittown, Bucks County. Dr. Medianick’s family members were Christians who came here seeking religious asylum following years of Communist persecution. At the time, Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union and under Communist control. Tim graduated from Temple dental school in 2005 and today practices in Reading. Ann Medianick shared some of her experiences of the 2018 trip and her husband’s return to his boyhood home in an article she wrote for his Boulevard Dental Associates blog. Dr. Tim Medianick’s generosity and humanitarian service is truly one of the most unique and inspiring volunteer stories one will ever see. Within the last two years Dr. Medianick has returned to the country of his birth, not once but twice, to help people in need during the most dire of times. In 2018 Dr. Medianick traveled to Ukraine, to the war zone along the eastern border, and provided dental care to soldiers. This trip originated from a connection he had to a Ukrainian dentist, whom he had provided dental materials to over the years. He had been sending materials, including fillings, drills and dental cement, all supplies that are difficult and expensive to obtain in Ukraine. “Our van bumped and jostled its way over pot-holed streets to our destination – the city of Kiev, Ukrvaine, the city of my husband’s childhood. I had heard many stories before of his experiences in Ukraine in our almost twenty years of knowing one another, but now I was literally entering his world. We crossed over the famous Dnieper River, and there it was – the new westernized apartment buildings and stores, and the Soviet-cement block apartments, all the same death-white/gray. We pulled up to one of those cement-block complexes, and there was my husband’s childhood laid out in front of him in a million memories. There was the small store he used to visit regularly to get food for his family of nine siblings. He showed us how far back he used to stand to wait for two hours to buy chicken, chicken that hopefully wouldn’t be gone by the time he got to the front of the line. Then we turned the corner to see his apartment that miraculously fit those ten children. The dark hallways of the 34 SE P T E M B E R/OC TOBER 2019 | P EN N S YLVA N IA D EN TA L J O UR N AL apartment’s corridors hadn’t brightened any. After that, we traveled across the apartment complex to visit the school where he attended. He showed me the place where he fell and hit his head on the windowsill and passed out because of it. That was when his principal wouldn’t give him adequate help because his family were Christians and not members of the communist party. Where was I during this time? I was in a modern classroom in America, concerned about what I might want to be when I grow up. As a non- communist Christian, he wouldn’t have been allowed to go to college. How does a boy who couldn’t have gone to college in communist Ukraine, and who never even had a family member go to college, come to America at 13 and decide so early on that he wants to be a dentist? He used to hide from his dad to avoid going to the dentist in Ukraine—no wonder, since there was no novocaine.” Ann recalled how one week into this Ukrainian family trip, his family said goodbye, and Tim went on his way to take care of soldiers in the war zone, working with his friend, the Ukrainian national who was both a dentist and pastor. “Tim told me that several Ukrainian soldiers couldn’t understand why an American would come to help them like that. But I understand—that is who my husband is,” she wrote. Soldiers were lined up all day at the mobile clinic. Many had never seen a dentist before. The Ukrainian government provides them with very poor dental care and the only decent care they receive is from volunteer dentists. Dr. Medianick and two other Ukrainian dentists worked on the soldiers until after 10:00 in the evening until they saw every soldier who was waiting.