September/October 2019 | Page 26

7th Annual MOM-n-PA A Student Reflects on MOM-n-PA By Caroline Terry, Temple Kornberg School of Dentistry I am a fourth-year dental student at Temple University School of Dentistry and on June 6-8 I attended my fifth MOM-n-PA event in Wilkes-Barre. I participated in the first event in Philadelphia in 2013, as well as the Allentown (2014), Harrisburg (2015) and Reading (2018) events. I attended the first event in Philadelphia as an undergraduate student because I was interested in applying to dental school. Little did I know that attending this event would introduce me to people who would become lifelong mentors and spark an even greater interest in dentistry. When I attended the event in Allentown, I was a senior at Lehigh University. I met Joanne Nyquist, the Dean of Students at Temple Dental and spent the day assisting her in the anesthesia department. We talked for hours about my interest in dental school and I was able to ask her questions about my application and what courses to take the following year. Having the opportunity to spend that time with her was absolutely invaluable. When I finally had my interview at Temple, she knew exactly who I was and remembered our time spent discussing my application. She has become a mentor and an excellent resource throughout my time in dental school. Without MOM-n-PA I would not have created this type of relationship with her. I have had many positions during my experiences at MOM-n- PA. I have been a patient ambassador (walking patients to the various departments), dental assistant, have taken hundreds of radiographs in radiology and served as a Spanish translator in medical triage. However, for the most recent event in Wilkes-Barre, I no longer attended the event as a lay volunteer or dental student but as Student Lead. This was a new position created this year since in the past there had not really been a way to organize the dental students to make sure that every department had the help they needed. 24 SE P T E M B E R/OC TOBER 2019 | P EN N S YLVA N IA D EN TA L J O UR N AL