September/October 2019 | Page 10

G ove r n men t Re lat ions Some patients cannot see their dentist of choice because some insurance companies do not directly pay the non-participating provider, and the patient cannot afford to pay for services upfront. This insurance practice unfairly inhibits patients from seeking care from their dentist of choice, even though they are paying for a benefit that should be able to be applied to any provider, regardless of whether or not the provider participates with the insurance plan. Parents who are divorced or separated may experience the problem where one parent has custody of a child, while the other parent carries the insurance. The latter may never send the insurance check to the custodial parent, who had to pay for services upfront. Faced with this situation, many custodial parent postpone or avoid care altogether. Patients residing in rural areas are placed at a disadvantage as there may only be a handful of dentists who are in-network. Patients may have to incur more traveling time and expense to seek treatment from an in-network provider, rather than being treated by a non-participating dentist who practices in closer proximity. 8 SE P T E M B E R/OC TOBER 2019 | P EN N S YLVA N IA D EN TA L J O UR N AL