SEPTEMBER '23 - Pawsitively Pets - - udpated cover | Page 8

168 Sunrise Lane , Mill Hall • 570-377-0340 www . sweetdreamsgroomandboard . com

Breed All About It !

Spotlight on : The Percheron

Description : The Percheron is a breed of draft horse that originated in France . They are are sturdy and well muscled , and their coats come in black , gray , chestnut , bay , roan , or sorrel . French-bred Percherons are born black and turn gray as they mature .
Temperament : The Percheron is among the gentle giants of the horse world . Originally a war horse , then a powerful draft horse , today ' s Percheron is most often seen pulling carriages , sleighs , and hayrides . Their strength and stamina also make them ideal work horses on farms . Percherons can be ridden with Western or English saddles , are talented jumpers , and are excellent in the dressage ring . They ’ re admired for their graceful , proud posture , along with their intelligence and eagerness to please . Because of their docile nature , Percherons can be good horses for beginner riders . Sweet , tolerant , and easygoing , they ' re ideal for those who lack the experience in horse ownership that many other breeds require . They ' re known as easy keepers that are adaptable to many different climates and conditions . Percherons are quite energetic for their size , and have big appetites . They can eat up to 30 pounds of hay and 5 pounds of grain a day !
Average Height / Weight : 5 hands ( 60 inches ) to 19 hands ( 76 inches ); between 1,800 to 2,600 pounds .
Health Issues : Like other heavy horse breeds , some Percherons might develop equine polysaccharide storage myopathy . With this disease , muscles can ’ t properly store glucose , and muscle tissue becomes damaged . While not curable , it can be managed with diet and exercise .
Life Expectancy : 25 to 30 years .
Grooming : A good grooming routine is important for Percherons . Their coats can become very heavy and dense in cold climates . Regular grooming is a must to remove dirt , debris , tangles , and loose hair . Also , the hair around the horse ’ s legs can attract bacteria , which can cause skin inflammation and infections . It ’ s essential to keep the legs well-groomed , clean , and dry .

Sweet Dreams Groom and Board

168 Sunrise Lane , Mill Hall • 570-377-0340 www . sweetdreamsgroomandboard . com
Ask us about Doggy Day Care ! Drop your pets off while you ' re at work or running errands ... Reasonable rates and a great way to socialize your dogs !
Pawsitively Pets -- September 7