Hope ’ s Dream Rescue Saves the Day ( and a couple of small kittens ) !
Despite all the people protecting animals , it still happens . A neighbor of Tami Brannan and Bre Reynolds in Lock Haven found first one kitten , then a group of four . They were so tiny they needed to be bottle fed . The person who found them wanted to help , but her work shift would not be flexible enough to feed four tiny babies every two hours . Tami took over the care and feeding of these tiny balls of fluff .
At first , all was well . One was smaller , but all were eating . But it didn ’ t take long to see that the smallest was in trouble . Within two days of finding him , he died . And his sister was beginning to look sick , too . It was time for serious veterinary help , fast ! Luckily , Tami and Bre knew about Hope ’ s Dream Rescue in Howard , PA . The remaining kittens were taken into the rescue and Rose- Bird Vet Clinic in Jersey Shore worked hard to save them . The prognosis for these kittens was not good . They were orphans , and already sick with Panleukopenia ( Panleuk ). One had already died . All were infected .
Catrina Armstrong from Hope ’ s Rescue explained that once sick , all that can be done is to treat the symptoms . We have no cure . It ’ s a serious disease for all cats , and usually deadly , especially for the old and the young . Within two days , a second kitten , Delilah , died . The rescue then turned its resources on the remaining two boys . Against all odds , medications and care pulled them through ! Champ and Bolt were released to their home in Lock Haven after a few days .
Meanwhile , Tami and Bre saw the mother cat ! Within two days , they had her trapped . She ’ s not from a feral colony . Simply , she was a pregnant cat that “ got dumped .” They are currently isolated from each other but will be back together and healthy within the week .
This doesn ’ t have to happen . Caterina explains , “ Kittens brought into rescue with a mother can be FVRCP vaccinated around 8-12 weeks of age , while kittens found orphaned can receive their first vaccination around 6 weeks of age . The FVRCP vaccination protects against Panleukopenia , as well as other feline viruses , if they have not already been in contact with the virus and provides immunity from future contact .”
It ' s a happy ending and a successful story for both the rescue and the vet . But the cost of treating kittens is high . According to Lesa King , founder and president of Hope ’ s Dream , the bill , after being adjusted for the rescue , was $ 250 a day , not including euthanasia or the tests to confirm the disease . For a small rescue , this is a lot of money - meaning the need for donations is ongoing . To help with the care of these kittens , or for the cats who will need the help of Hope ’ s Dream , please donate . They are a 501 ( c ) 3 non-profit , and your contributions are tax deductible . To help , donations can be made safely and securely here :
www . paypal . me / hopesdream • https :// venmo . com / HopesDream Mailing address : P . O . Box 433 , Howard , PA 16841 .
* Cats helped through Hope ’ s Dream are fostered , not kept in a facility .
- by Linda Roller , Bookseller , Writer , and Owner of Liberty Book Shop in beautiful downtown Avis , PA .
Hours : Thursday & Friday 10-6 , Saturday 10-3 , or by appt .
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Pawsitively Pets -- September 5