September 23, 2022 | Laguna Beach News | Page 26

26 lagunabeachindy . com SEPTEMBER 23 , 2022


Photo courtesy of Jerome Pudwill
Laguna ,” Pudwill said . “ I ’ m not a developer , a realtor , a business owner , or a developer-backed politician . I have nothing personal to gain by running for office , just the satisfaction of helping save Laguna from overdevelopment . We need to put an end to the autocracy at City Hall .”
“ For the past several years , the City has been ignoring residents – discouraging their input and democratic engagement . We are witnessing how developer money is compromising Laguna ’ s government by financially backing officials and making changes that permanently threaten Laguna ’ s village lifestyle with over-tourism and overdevelopment .”
Pudwill is running on a platform based around Laguna Beach residents . He hopes to address quality of life concerns , which include parking , traffic , public safety , the effects of tourism and the environment .
“ I believe this election will be the most important in Laguna ’ s history ,” he said . “ It will determine whether we preserve and protect our charm and beauty or charge ahead – only focusing on overdevelopment and increased tourism .”
His platform includes improving City accountability and transparency by requiring decorum and civility , fiscal responsibility , better staff management , long term planning and development , while creating and implementing a long-range vision plan that prioritizes compatible growth , affordable housing , undergrounding , safety and wildfire protection .
Pudwill also supports Measure Q , which would require a public vote on certain large-scale developments . “ It will also determine whether Laguna ’ s city government returns to honest transparency and representing its residents , not just those who stand to profit .”
Pudwill is retired from a career in advertising and marketing , real estate , and land development . He was also an educator at Chapman University . His political involvement
includes helping to run the successful candidacy of current Councilmember George Weiss and backing Laguna Residents First . Pudwill and his wife Loretta are 36-year residents . Together , they enjoy the arts , classic films , traveling , and being a part of the Laguna Beach community .
Pudwill said Laguna ’ s reception to the campaign has been positive .
“ The people I ’ ve met have been enthusiastic ,” Pudwill said . “ I ’ ve been humbled by the gratitude that I ’ ve received for running . A lot of people just said , ‘ we really needed somebody else out there and we weren ’ t seeing it , and we were so glad that you gave us this option .’”
For more about Jerome Pudwill , visit www . jeromepudwill4citycouncil . com or contact MJ Abraham at ( 949 ) 499-4425 or mjabraham0812 @ gmail . com .

South Laguna Community Garden Gathering Draws Large Crowds

About 100 people enjoyed live music , food and drink in supporting to fundraise money to help save the South Laguna Community Garden . Photo / Mitch Ritter
Ann Christoph and Tom Joliet update about 100 attendees that so far 1.5 million has been raised to save the garden . Photo / Mitch Ritter
Ruben Flores shows a caterpillar chrysalis to garden supporters . Photo / Mitch Ritter