Jersey Shore Honor Guard to Benefit
P A T R I O T S D A Y Wednesday
Jersey Shore Honor Guard
SEPTEMBER PATRIOTS DAY 11 10:00am-6:00pm
Wednesday SEPTEMBER 11
to Benefit
1002 Allegheny Street • Jersey Shore , PA 17740
10am - 6pm 1002 Allegheny Street • Jersey Shore
Honor Guard provides military honors Honor Guard provides military honors for deceased servicemen ' s funerals , for staffed deceased by volunteers servicemen , and fundraises
’ s funerals to
, staffed provide by funds volunteers for uniforms , fundraiser and equipment to . provide funds for uniforms and equipment . Please drive by and give what you can ! We ' re hoping Please drive by and give what you can ! We ’ re to raise $ 7500 for this worthy cause . All of the funds hoping donated to will raise go to
$ 7,500 the Jersey for this Shore worthy Honor cause Guard
. All . of the funds donated will go to the Jersey Shore Honor Guard .
Rearick-Carpenter Funeral Home
James C . Carpenter , Supervisor
James C . Carpenter , Supervisor RearickCarpenter 570-398-1730 • RearickCarpenter . com . com
www . bearcountrygoodnews . com -- “ Good News ” -- September -- 23