September 2024 Edition | Page 20

South Dakota Glacial Lakes

The Colorful Pumpkinseed Sunfish

A beautiful creature worthy of attention
by Brian Blackwell Fisheries Biologist , Webster , South Dakota

IIn my opinion , pumpkinseed sunfish are the most colorful fish found in South Dakota . They can have green , yellow , blue or orange coloration with dark speckles on their backs and sides . Sides may have faint vertical dark green to dark blue bars . These bars tend to be more prominent on females .

The breast area and bottom of the body are orange to yellow . There are often light blue / light green lines on their cheeks , and they have a prominent reddish-orange crescent-shaped margin on their black gill cover . The male pumpkinseed exhibits the most vibrant colors during late-spring / early-summer breeding .
Pumpkinseeds are members of the sunfish family ( Centrarchidae ). In South Dakota , the sunfish family includes black crappies , bluegills , green sunfish , largemouth bass , orange-spotted sunfish , pumpkinseeds , rock bass , smallmouth bass , and white crappies . The sunfish species generally have laterally-compressed body shapes , often having a round saucer-shaped appearance .
Unique Reproduction
All members of the sunfish family construct
nests in the substrate for reproduction . To spawn , a male creates a circular depression ( nest ) in the substrate and attracts a female to lay her eggs in the nest . The male guards the nest with the fertilized eggs , and then the newly-hatched fry until they disperse . Because of similar breeding habits as other sunfish , pumpkinseeds will hybridize with other sunfish species ( e . g ., bluegill , green sunfish ).
The Minnesota River drainage in the northeast corner of South Dakota represents the western extent of the pumpkinseed native range . However , they have been introduced in waters west of their native range . Pumpkinseeds tend to be found in shallow lakes with
Camryn Blackwell , Watertown , with a favored pumpkinseed . Below , pumpkinseed sunfish will grow to 8 inches , but that size has become relatively rare in South Dakota waters , as competition for food becomes more of a factor . Brian Blackwell photos .
Page 20 , Dakota Country , September 2024 www . dakotacountrymagazine . com