September 2023 | Page 6

Nonstop to Tampa , Florida .

Editorial Editor Jamie Coelho 649-4860 , jcoelho @ rimonthly . com Managing Editor Dana Laverty 649-4868 , dlaverty @ rimonthly . com Associate Editor Lauren Clem 649-4830 , lclem @ rimonthly . com Special Editions Editor Kerri Tallman 649-4880 , ktallman @ rimonthly . com Editorial Assistant Edelinda Baptista 649-4870 , ebaptista @ rimonthly . com Digital Editor Kaitlyn Murray 649-4898 , kmurray @ rimonthly . com Contributing Editors Karen Deutsch , Ellen Liberman Contributing Writers Bob Curley , Denise Dowling , Philip Eil , Ann Hood , Paul E . Kandarian , Lou Papineau Editorial Interns Alaina Arruda , Olivia Barone 649-4820 , interne @ rimonthly . com
Art Creative Director Doreen Chisnell 649-4828 , dchisnell @ rimonthly . com Art Director Emily Rietzel 649-4818 , erietzel @ rimonthly . com Contributing Photographers Jesse Burke , Mike Braca , Michael Cevoli , Ryan T . Conaty , Jason Evans , Alex Gagne , James Jones , Tony Luong , Wolf Matthewson , Dana Smith , Dee Speaks , Angel Tucker , Chad Weeden , Myke Yeager
Production Production Director Paul O ’ Hare 649-4833 , pohare @ rimonthly . com Imaging Specialist Alan DiPetrillo 649-4844 , adipetrillo @ rimonthly . com Production Designer Debra Lamp 649-4866 , dlamp @ rimonthly . com Graphic Designer Elana Valverde 649-4877 , evalverde @ rimonthly . com
Book your next flight from PVD to TPA at FLYBREEZE . COM .
Photo Credit : Keir Magoulas
MEMBER : Rhode Island Press Association , Rhode Island Black Business Association , Northern Rhode Island Chamber of Commerce , Southern Rhode Island Chamber of Commerce , Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce , Providence Warwick Convention and Visitors Bureau , Newport County Chamber of Commerce , Rhode Island Hospitality Association , Hispanic Chamber of Commerce , Ocean Community Chamber of Commerce .