letter from the editor
Hello and welcome to our third issue of Cake ! Magazine for 2023 ! Christmas is going to be here before we know it !
The past couple of months has been jam-packed with so many events such as the Cake Bake & Sweets Show and Cake Camp ! It has been so great to see so many familiar faces and also meet some of our newer Members !
This issue of Cake ! Magazine is all about Chocolate featuring tutorials all things chocolate along with many inspirational images in our Member Gallery .
Can you believe there are only 2 weeks until the 2023 Cake Decorating & Baking Industry Awards being held in Sydney where we will be announcing the winners of the Awards !
In this issue , we interview Dan , the Founder of Dan ’ s Bake Lab and have Amber Comadira-Smith back with her regular column for Cake ! Magazine talking all things design brief !
We hope you enjoy this issue of Cake ! Magazine !
Enjoy !
COVER IMAGE : Dan Pasquali Dans Bake Lab