Grasford W . Smith 2023-24 PBCBA President
The mission of the Committee for Diversity and Inclusion (“ CDI ”) of the Palm Beach County Bar Association (“ PBCBA ”) is to “ promote and facilitate the growth of diversity and inclusion in the local legal community through education , community involvement , and social engagement with and between people of varying race , color , religion , sexual orientation , gender identity , gender expression , ethnicity , national origin , age and mental and physical disability .” CDI is the only permanent standing committee of the PBCBA . It appears that now more than ever there needs to be more respectful and insightful dialogue centered around education on current events as it relates to diversity and inclusion .
Needless to say , the State of Florida has garnered national attention for actions taken by the legislative and executive branches which has been amplified by the news cycle focused on presidential politics . Most recently , Florida ’ s State Academic Standards for Social Studies ( 2023 ), published on the Florida Department of Education (“ DOE ”) website , made national news for its inclusion of the phrase : “ slaves developed skills which , in some instances , could be applied for their personal benefit .”
The reaction to the DOE ’ s published statement has been highly publicized . Numerous business and civic organizations have also reported cancelling events scheduled to take place in Florida in the coming months or years . These boycott efforts ( which may intensify in the coming months ) follow the decision of the NAACP , which issued a “ Travel Advisory ” for Florida citing “ hostilities ” towards “ African Americans , people of color and LGBTQ +.”
Meanwhile , the U . S . Supreme Court ’ s recent decision striking down affirmative action based on race in college admissions highlights a significant shift in jurisprudence centered around diversity . See Students for Fair Admissions , Inc . v . President and Fellows of Harvard Coll ., 143 S . Ct . 2141 ( 2023 ). In his concurrence in this new landmark case , Justice Clarence Thomas wrote , “ While I am painfully aware of the social and economic ravages which have befallen my race and all who suffer discrimination , I hold out enduring hope that this country will live up to its principles so clearly enunciated in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States : that all men are created equal , are equal citizens , and must be treated equally before the law .” Id . at 2207 , 2208 . By contrast , Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson wrote in a footnote of her dissent , “ The takeaway is that those who demand that no one think about race ( a classic pink-elephant paradox ) refuse to see , much less solve for , the elephant in the room — the race-linked disparities that continue to impede achievement of our great Nation ’ s full potential .” Id . at 2279 n . 103 .
Through its summits and other programming , including its internship program , CDI has been impactful within the Palm Beach legal and overall community . This Bar Year , CDI will continue this history with programming focused on current events that advances the mission of CDI to educate the local legal community . I firmly believe that opportunities for advancement and enlightenment are created with more spotlight in this area . The focus remains to support the mission of CDI .
Friday , September 15 th 12:00 P . M . - 1:00 P . M . Live via Zoom Quality of Life Series : Affordable Housing
Wednesday , September 20 th 11:45 A . M . - 1:00 P . M . PBC Courthouse - Room 11H Criminal Law CLE
Thursday , September 21 st 11:30 A . M . - 2:00 P . M . Bar Office Real Estate CLE