September 2021 | Page 40


How to have the best time of your life – whether you ’ re 18 or 80 !

As autumn arrives many people become aware that yet another year is drawing to a close – and realise how every year seems to speed up . But even if you ' re in the autumn of your own life , Nerja ' s Wellbeing Coach David Hurst gives some easy proven methods for positive living that can totally reinvigorate you – in fact , whatever your age …
At this time of year we see nature visibly slowing down around us . Of course , it ’ s much more obvious in northern Europe . For many of the people that arrive from these areas to winter-sun for a few months it can be a reminder that they ’ re in the autumn of their own lives .
But there are some simple ways to ensure that whatever your age you can grow older and still feel fantastic . This is significant because it ’ s not just about reaching a grand old age . Making sure you ’ re still mentally sharp and physically strong is just as important to live life to its fullest potential . Even if you ’ re much younger , living well now will greatly enhance your life and mean you grow older with much greater health and vitality .
Food and fun
It ’ s essential to not eat , drink , smoke , sit around or worry yourself older . Motivational speaker and author Wayne Dyer put it like this : “ Refuse to let an old person move into your body .” So keep yourself active and open to trying something new such as pádel , horse riding , yoga , Pilates or Zumba . As well , take advantage of being somewhere with the world ’ s healthiest diet . Mediterranean meals will not only add years to your life , they will add life to your years .
Mind exercise
We need to always exercise our mind . Make sure every day to read something that requires thought and concentration . Also , do a crossword , play chess , learn something new , revive an old hobby , learn another language , play an instrument …
Being grateful is great
Put another way , avoid getting old and grumpy ! Focus on positives rather than negatives – and this will give you positive energy plus keep you feeling and looking younger . Getting older doesn ’ t mean anyone has to lose that childlike wonder towards this amazing planet .
In Mitch Albom ’ s bestseller Tuesdays With Morrie , a true story about Morrie , 78 , in the last months of his life , Morrie said : “ Ageing is not just decay . It ’ s growth . It ’ s more than the negative you ’ re going to die , it ’ s also the positive that you understand you ’ re going to die , and that you live a better life because of it .”
Discover your true meaning
“ Those who have a ‘ why ’ to live , can bear with almost any ‘ how ’," wrote psychiatrist Viktor Frankl in his bestseller Man ’ s Search For Meaning about how he survived the Nazi concentration camps . “ Life is never made unbearable by circumstances , but only by lack of meaning and purpose .”
Visit new places , meet new people , try new experiences – and in doing so look out for something that gives you a real sense of purpose . Discovering a meaning in life invigorates us . “ If you ’ ve found meaning in your life , you don ’ t want to go back ,” Morrie said in Tuesdays With Morrie . “ You want to go forward . You want to see more , do more .”
Get connected
David Hurst pic : Tone Camara
Most people who have emotional and mental health problems feel alone and disconnected . This is the debilitating nature of such conditions . It ’ s a terrible way to be , because we ’ re created to feel connection with others . Although modern technology makes it much easier to connect with others , face-to-face contact is much better and we ’ re doing less of it than ever before in history .
So make sure to often visit family and friends or socialise with new people . People put things such as work or watching TV above this – and yet nothing will give us more happiness and positive energy than being with people we love or making new friends .
Live somewhere beautiful
Our home and community need to be our sanctuary , somewhere we can completely relax . Renowned stem-cell biologist Dr Bruce Lipton researched how the 50 trillion cells in our body are either in fight-or-flight mode or they ’ re growing so they can look after our emotional and physical wellbeing in the best possible way .
A major problem for many people is that they ’ re in a relentless state of fight or flight . Yet we ’ re only designed to be like this for short infrequent bursts to deal with potential danger . So being like this too much leads to physical and emotional health problems . This is why it ’ s so essential to ensure you live in a relaxing place with great friends and neighbours nearby .
Put all of these into your life every day – and the best years of your life are right here and right now .
David Hurst is a Wellbeing Coach with four books published on emotional and mental health recovery , including 12 Steps To 1 Hero and The Anxiety Conversation . To find out more or contact David to discuss how he can help you or someone you love , visit : david-hurst . com