September 2020 | 页面 5

Security , Access & Registrations

Access Beach Armbands Please note that effective from 1 October 2020 we are moving back to the old paid armband system used for access to the Marina Blue Flag Beach .
A brown silicone armband will be used for 2020 / 2021 financial period , applicable as from 1 October 2020 . The homeowner and guest will pay R10 ( in cash ) per armband for beach access .
Ÿ The armband becomes the property of the homeowner and guest .
Ÿ The homeowner and guest will not be allowed to exchange the previously bought armbands for the new armbands .
Ÿ Armbands will be available for sale from 28 September 2020 at Estate Reception .
Ÿ The new system will be implemented and applicable from 1 October 2020 .
We are of the opinion that the above system is easier and more streamlined and have caused less problems and frustration while still maintaining the security check upon exiting and entering the Estate through the beach gate . All other previous implemented systems lacked in different reasons and were not eco-friendly .
Annual Registration of Private Domestics Please be advised that access ID cards for private domestics are up for renewal as from 1 October 2020 . A copy of the ID Document needs to be handed in with the application form . Click on below link to download the application form and send a signed copy to Mr Dawid Malan – dawidm @ fidelitysecurity . co . za .
Private Domestic Registration Form 2020 / 2021 - Download here
Please be advised that we are no longer making use of the BIBS with villa numbers to identify private domestics . A new system was implemented whereby we issue an ID Card with a blue colour lanyard . This must be worn by your private domestic at all times while on the estate . The cost for both ID Card ( R20 ) and Lanyard ( R20 ) is R40 . Previous BIBS were sold at R225 . This system is more cost effective . Method of payment . Either charged by levy account or cash at the Estate Office Reception with Lucy .
Contractors Please note to email Mr Dawid Malan when reporting an arrival of any contractor . The Arrival Notification must not be filled in to inform security of work to be conducted by a contractor in your villa . Only an email must be sent to dawidm @ fidelitysecurity . co . za . Thank you for your co-operation .
Key Control Room Kindly be informed that the key control room still lacks proper key name tags , etc of some of the villas . It has come under our attention that the existing tags are faded to such an extent that the villa numbers are no longer visible . We would like to standardize all villa number key tags .
Click on App San Lameer Estate launched the Click On Connect App for our owners as from 21 September 2020 . You should have received an SMS this morning inviting you to download the app , via Istore or Playstore , depending what phone you have .
In order to have access to the App your details on the Click on System needs to be correct , so please make sure you submit the Home Owner database update form as per the above article and instructions so that we can update all the villa portfolios . The App is for those household members who are loaded on the system only . This is an exiting new way of communication and you will receive instant notifications from the HOA .
When registering you will use your cell number and email address to create a password . In order to register , there are 4 easy steps included in this document as a separate attachment . The app has the following functions .
What does the App have to offer ?
Ÿ Request Code . This is where the user will be able to request a code from the panel to send out to visitors .
Ÿ Dial List Action . This is where the users will be able to see who the panel will call first when a visitor arrives or change the order in which the panel needs to call when a visitor arrives .
Ÿ Incident Reporting Action . Here the user will be able to report any incident that has happened in the estate .
Ÿ Activity . Here you can view an activity that has happened for example view the visitors which has arrived or a message from the estate .
Ÿ Activity Navigation Tabs . Here you can navigate between the different activities and view them as they occur .
There are 4 Tabs for navigation :
Ÿ Estate – This allows you to view all information send from the estate .
Ÿ Visitor – This shows you the visitor that has arrived .
Ÿ Resident – This shows you your units ' activity who has entered and when they have entered .
Ÿ All – This is an overview of all the activities that has happened .
App Navigation Panel Here we have the main Navigation of the mobile app . These icons allow you to navigate between different sections of the app . The following sections are :
Ÿ Home – This is the main page of the app and will show you activities when you tap on it .
Ÿ Profile – Here you can view your unit ' s information , who lives in the unit or what devices the unit has .
Ÿ Reports – Here you can view access reports for your unit .
Ÿ Menu – The menu gives you access to miscellaneous functions of the app .
We would like to ask for your assistance by completing the below authorization form which will grant us permission to bill you an amount of R35.00 on your homeowner levy account for the manufacturing of the villa number key tag .
Click on below link to download the application form and send a signed copy to Mr Dawid Malan - dawidm @ fidelitysecurity . co . za .
Deduction Permission Letter – Tags / Keys / Key tag - Download here
Home Owner Database Updates We are currently updating the San Lameer Homeowner Contact Details Database . Please ensure that all members / owners details are correct and completed . To update a Villa ' s details electronically click on the below link . Add a member / owner by clicking on the ' blue plus ' icon at the bottom left corner of the window . Home Owner Database Online Submission Form - Click here
Home owners can also still make use of the old SMS system to retrieve an Access Code ( sms C ( 1 ) respective of number of vehicles , to 071 689 4655 ) for their guests .
Below links to user manuals of the Click On Connect App :
Mobile App Manual Residents - Download Here Mobile App Manual Profile Managers - Download Here

Dawid Malan Head of Security