September 2020 Guide | Page 20

PARK CENTER PRESCHOOL SAFETY GUIDELINES We understand that this is an uncertain time for everyone. Please know that your child’s safety is our top priority. Before the school year begins, our teachers and staff will participate in extensive health and safety practices training following all CDC and DCFS guidelines. All precautions will be taken including washing hands frequently, wearing face coverings, checking temperatures, physical distancing, restricting access to the classroom and performing health screenings. Here are a few of the many ways we’re keeping our children and staff safe. For the full list, click here. CLASSROOMS Children will be assigned to classrooms in small group pods and will be with the same group each day at all times of the day. PPE EQUIPMENT All staff will be required to wear face coverings. Children will wear a face covering as practicable but not at snack or outside time. Face coverings will be made available by the Park District for all staff and children if needed. HEALTH SCREENINGS AND TEMPERATURE CHECKS All staff will be asked to take their temperature each day and must be feverfree before arriving at Park Center Preschool for at least 72 hours without fever reducing medication. When child arrives to school, staff will take temperature of adult and child with a no touch thermometer at the entrance door. Temperatures will be logged on the sign-in/out sheet. Any child with a temperature of 100.4 or higher will not be allowed to attend program. Staff will monitor child’s health throughout the day.