Credibility for Sale:
Keeping Client Info Off the
Dark Web during COVID-19
1-Hour CLE Webinar
Thursday, September 17, 2020
11:00 a.m. to Noon
Speaker: Michael Gavaghen,
Vice President Management Solutions
I.T. Solutions of South Florida
The work-from-home landscape has triggered what can only be called a cybercrime wave. Since social distancing
began in March, the average ransomware payment now exceeds $100,000, and many top the million dollar mark.
Four out of five ransomware attacks succeed because of compromised passwords. Even one such credential for
sale on the dark web can wreak havoc within a corporate environment..
Tune in for this 1-hour webinar and one of the tech industry’s most engaging cybercrime experts will guide you
through exactly how the dark web traffics in personal and proprietary information. Recent analyses reveals that
60% of the material for sale in dark web marketplaces can damage client companies. Information like this is
readily for sale . . .
• Payment Card Information – Stolen or skimmed credit card data (and the software to capture it) is a
perennial bestseller.
• Research Data – Medical research including information about new drugs and therapies is a hot
commodity, especially COVID-19 data.
• Trade Secrets & Formulas – Proprietary manufacturing information is both popular and easy to sell.
• Blueprints & Security Plans– From buildings to networks, all kinds of schematics and planning data
is useful for bad actors.
• Medical Records – They’re especially popular for blackmail and spearfishing ammunition.
• Financial Records – This multipurpose data is desirable for money laundering, blackmail,
spearfishing, and identity theft.
If you need a stronger solution to lock down the user credentials in your network then join us on September 17!
Registration required:
CLE tba
PBCBA Members: $15.00
Attorneys who are not PBCBA Members: $25.00
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