Solo and Small Firm Spotlight Seen
Every Friday on Facebook starting this September
Your Membership Counts!
As a NEW membership benefit, we will be featuring our Solo and Small Firms
every Friday on Facebook starting this September.
To receive a Solo and Small Firm Spotlight all you need to do is meet two or
more of the following criteria: (please check which apply to your firm)
· Solo and Small Firms are considered firms with 1 to 2 attorneys with both attorneys
members of the Palm Beach County Bar Association.
· The Solo and Small Firm needs to have at least one member who serves our Association
in a leadership role, such as a Chair or Co-Chair of a committee or serves as a Board
member for our Young Lawyers or North County Section during the 2020/21 fiscal year.
· The Solo and Small Firm supports the Palm Beach County Bar Association with a
$500.00 minimum sponsorship during the 2020/21 fiscal year.
Yes! Please sign me up for a
Solo and Small Firm Spotlight!
Name: ________________________________ Firm Name: _________________________________
Brief description of your firm for the Facebook caption: (80 words max)
Submit this form by email along with your firm picture in JPEG format to