September 2017 September 2017 Despatches | Page 10
AGM Welcoming Committee
If you are willing to lend a helping hand during the AGM, we have plenty of easy, no-pressure tasks that may
interest you.:
Handing out agendas and maps
Providing room directions
Assisting members locate name badges
Packing swag bags
Covering the registration desk (short periods)
Selling 50/50 raffle tickets
Jackie Villanueva
Voting Members — Please Check Your Membership Card
Voting members of the Ontario Provincial Committee include: Members at Large, Directors, Squadron Spon-
soring Committee Chairpersons, and Life Members. Please ensure that your OPC member ID card has not
lapsed in order to vote at the AGM. Should a replacement card be needed, please contact Silva Chan.
Silva Chan
Last Year’s AGM Photos — Available on FlickR Air Cadet League, OPC