September 2017
Air Cadet League of Canada
Ontario Provincial Committee
League & Sponsor Appreciation Day
We are pleased to report that the 2017 League and Sponsor Appreciation Day,
at Blackdown Cadet Training Centre (CTC), met with great success! Over 50
guests from the OPC were in attendance - had the unique opportunity to tour
Blackdown CTC’s facilities and participate in some of the Cadet training activi-
ties. A BBQ lunch was provided to all guests of Air, Army and Navy Leagues as
well as the supporters present—such as the Royal Canadian Legion. As you can
see form the panoramic photo above, a great turn out and clear blue sky.
Summer Camp 2017
Over this past summer, hundreds of
cadets from all across Ontario attended
different camps ranging in duration
from two to six weeks at various Cadet
Training Centres (CTC). At each gradua-
tion parade, a Governor or Director
was present as OPC representatives as
part of the reviewing party, to present
awards and address the cadets. Con-
gratulations to all cadets, CTC staff, par-
ents and supporters, for a successful
summer training 2017.
Jackie Villanueva
Glider & Power Wings
Air Cadet Service Medal Requests
Annual SSC Calendar
Annual Commitment Report
National Courses
Positive Youth Development &
Program Outreach Learning
Recreational Trips
Staff Contacts & SSC Support
2017 AGM
Pictured above is OPC’s Honourary Patron,
Lieutenant Governor (LG) Elizabeth Dow-
deswell as the Reviewing Offficer at the
Blackdown Sunset Ceremony, held on August
11, 2017. Photo Credit: FSgt Marcus Pico-
Avida via Blackdown Cadets FB page
Lottery Survey
Effective Speaking
New Website Alert