September 2013, Issue 4 - Volume 1 Sept. 2013 | Page 3

PLUMBLINE C O N S T R U C T I O N Standing up right before God and man. FULL KITCHEN REMODEL FULL BATHROOM REMODEL INSURANCE CLAIMS ROOFING WHOLE HOME RENOVATIONS 804-218-5820 [email protected] The Executive Consultant.Com “Where women ?nd solutions, motivation and much more….” Ladies, it’s time to take care of YOU! Log on the site and take my “Is Food Your Enemy? Questionnaire™ and ?nd where you ?t emotionally when it comes to your daily food choices. Sheena Lyle, LCSW, CEO Executive Consultant (804) 240-7603 Like us on Facebook at Facebook The Executive Consultant Need motivation, practical solutions, synergy? Book me at your next event, workshop, or meeting…log on to the site under “Speaking Engagements” for a portion of my prior workshops including “Women in Charge: Letting Go and Renewing Your Strength” If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten. Tony Robbins Please tell them you found them in Richmond Metro Woman Magazine!! Twitter 3